Further reading

  • First steps to document your project using Sphinx [link]
  • Restructured text basics [link]
  • Deploying a Sphinx project online link]
  • Sphinx themes database [link]
  • MyST documentation (an alternative to reStructuredText) [link]
  • GitHub Actions
  • Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions [link]
  • GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages [link]
  • Carol Willing - Practical Sphinx - PyCon 2018 [video]

Useful extensions to check out

  • sphinx.ext.autobuild [link]
  • sphinx.ext.autodoc [link]
  • sphinx.ext.autosummary [link]
  • sphinx.ext.doctest [link]
  • sphinx.ext.githubpages [link]
  • sphinx.ext.intersphinx [link]
  • sphinx.ext.mathjax [link]
  • sphinx.ext.napoleon [link]
  • sphinx-multiversion [link]

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