Getting started with Sphinx

Begin by installing Sphinx inside your virtual environment.

pip install sphinx

At the repo’s top level create a docs directory. This is where our documentation source and output files will live.

mkdir docs

Starting with Sphinx

We are now ready to start using Sphinx. Begin by the following script:

sphinx-quickstart docs

It will ask you a few questions to setup your documentation and we are going to go with the default options for this tutorial:

> Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]:  <Press Enter or n>
> Project name:                                     Sphinxy
> Author name(s):                                   <Enter your name>
> Project release []:                               <Press Enter>
> Project language [en]:                            <Press Enter>

Once the script has run, you should find the following in your docs directory:

  • configuration file which allows you to set Sphinx’s behaviour (see configuration options on the docs)
  • index.rst: the source file for your documentation’s home page
  • Makefile/make.bat: contain convenient make targets for generating documentation
  • _build/: directory where your output documentation files will live
  • _static/:: directory where all your static files, e.g. images
  • _templates/: directory where you can override Sphinx template files to customise the look of your documentation

Take a moment to look at the content of each of these files. We are now ready to build our documentation.

cd docs
make html

If you are using a Windows machine and make is not available, you can use the make.bat script instead of the make command: .\make.bat html.

Executing make html runs sphinx-build, pointing to the source and build directories to use and instructs Sphinx to build html pages out of your rst files.

You can run make without any arguments or make help to see what other targets are available.

Previewing your docs

Now you preview your docs by manually opening the generated _build/html/index.html in your preferred browser.

Alternatively, we can run our own python server in the _build/html directory, so that we can also move around the pages. From the docs directory run the command:

# from the docs dir
python -m http.server --directory _build/html

which opens a web server at port 8000. Access your docs by visiting http://localhost:8000 on your browser.

If you’re working on codespaces, it’ll prompt you to follow a link where you can preview your local documentation website you just built.

As you go on with the workshop, you can leave your server running and refreshing the webpage will show you the latest updates.

You may have noticed that the Module Index link doesn’t work. This is because we have yet to document our API and link the module doc files to our sphinx website. You’ll learn how to do that in the next few sections.

🙌 You have now reached the 02-getting-started part of the tutorial. If not, check out that branch and continue from there.

Previous: Environment setup Next: reStructuredText basics