
As your project evolves and new features are added, you may be supporting different versions of your code. For this reason, it is a good idea to keep an archive of different versions of your documentation, so your users can refer to it depending on the software version they are using.

Let’s see how you can achieve that.

Using sphinx-multiversion

We will be using sphinx-multiversion, a popular extension that makes versioning your documentation easy. This will replace the traditional sphinx-build command (which was executed under the hood when we ran make html!).

In your virtual environment, install:

pip install sphinx-multiversion

and add the extension to

extensions = [

Configuring the site’s sidebar

We want to give our website visitors the option to select which version of the docs they would like to view. For this reason, we need to configure our sidebar to display them by adding an html template. Let’s create a file docs/_templates/sidebar/versions.html that will display a list of versions (git tags and branches):

{% if versions %}
<div class="sidebar-tree">
  <p class="caption" role="heading"><span class="caption-text">{{ _('Branches') }}</span></p>
    {%- for item in versions.branches %}
    <li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference" href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
    {%- endfor %}
  <p class="caption" role="heading"><span class="caption-text">{{ _('Tags') }}</span></p>
    {%- for item in versions.tags %}
    <li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference" href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
    {%- endfor %}
{% endif %}

Next, we need to point Sphinx to use this file. In, add the following:

templates_path = [
html_sidebars = {
    "**": [

We’ve only added a versions.html to _templates/sidebar/ folder. So where are the other html files coming from? They are the default sidebar components that ship with furo, namely:

  • the website title
  • the search bar
  • the content tree
  • the scrollable section of the sidebar

Now that we are overriding the html_sidebar contents, we need to explicitly tell furo we still want those components in our sidebar in addition to our custom versions section.

Finally, we are ready to test this command locally. From the docs/ dir, run:

cd docs
make clean
rm -rf _build/html/*  # wipe out the current html folder contents
sphinx-multiversion . ./_build/html

You will notice that now, in your _build/html folder, there is a subfolder corresponding to each branch and tag you have in your repo. Since you currently only have the main branch, there’ll be one main folder in which their corresponding output html files live. As you create more branches and tags, more output html folders will be created for them.

Let’s commit the changes we have done to support sphinx-multiversion to the main branch:

# from the project root
git add docs/ docs/_templates/sidebar/versions.html
git commit -m "Add support for sphinx-multiversion extension"
git push origin main

Generating different versions for your docs

Let’s test this out.

We’ll create a tag, v0.0.1, for our current version and push it to our remote repository:

git tag -a v0.0.1 -m "first tag"
git push origin v0.0.1

Next, make a small change in index.rst.

Welcome to Sphinxy's documentation!

Explore Sphinxy's documentation.

Now, push your changes to main:

git add docs/index.rst
git commit -m "Update docs"
git push origin main

Now re-run sphinx-multiversion:

# from the project root
sphinx-multiversion docs ./docs/_build/html

You should now see that a new HTML folder was generated: ./docs/_build/html/v0.0.1. Preview both index.html locally: ./docs/_build/html/main/index.html and ./docs/_build/html/v0.0.1/index.html. As you would expect, the modification will appear on tag main’s index.html, but not on v0.0.1’s.

You’ll also notice the new sidebar section we added titled Versions, with links to all available versions of your documentation.

Finally, let’s push the latest contents of the html/ folder to gh-pages:

cd ./docs/_build/html
git branch # ensure you are on the gh-pages branch
git add .
git commit -m "Add versioning support"
git push -f origin gh-pages

Once the pages-build-deployment workflow has completed, refresh your GitHub Pages URL. You’ll notice that you’ll get a 404 File not found error. Why is that?

Choosing a default version

GitHub Pages looks for an index.html file at the root level of the gh-pages branch. Since we have been using sphinx-multiversion we’re storing index.html files under their respective git branch or tag folders now and GitHub could not find a page to load.

Modify your GitHub Pages URL to append a branch or a tag name name:


You’ll be redirected to that version’s index page and everything looks as expected.

Of course, this is not convenient. We want to automatically redirect the user to the latest version; in our case the version on the main branch. In order to achieve that, we need to add an new file index.html at the root of the gh-pages branch that has this redirection logic (see the docs).

First, we create a new file:

cd ./docs/_build/html
touch index.html

Now, open up this file, and add the following logic:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Redirecting to main branch</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=./main/index.html" />
    <link rel="canonical" href="https://<username>" />

Let’s commit and push it to the gh-pages branch:

# from the docs/_build/html dir
git add index.html
git commit -m "Add index.html to redirect to main branch"
git push origin gh-pages

You should now be automatically redirected to browse the documentation of your main branch on https://<username>!

Selecting Branches/Tags of Interest

You may not want to include all branches or tags on your documentation website. To configure this behaviour, add the following to

# -- Sphinx Multiversion --------------------------------------------------
smv_tag_whitelist = r'^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$'
smv_branch_whitelist = r'^.*$'
smv_remote_whitelist = r'^.*$'

Now sphinx-multiversion will only generate documentation corresponding to branches and tags matching your regex expressions above.

More nuanced settings can be found on sphinx-multiversion docs.

🙌 You have now reached the 09-versioning part of the tutorial. If not, check out that branch and gh-pages-9 branch for gh-pages and continue from there.

Previous: Automating documentation updates Next: Automating versioning